About us

CARE International works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice.

In 1945, a group of people refused to stand on the sidelines while millions suffered in hunger after World War Two. So, they came together to create the world’s first CARE Packages containing food for people on both sides of the battle lines across war-torn Europe.

Today, CARE International has grown to become a leading, global humanitarian organisation, committed to defeating poverty and inequality. Our CARE Packages may have evolved, but the ethos remains the same. We work with communities, so they have the power, resources, and opportunities they need to survive and thrive.

CARE International works with women, and their communities, in over 120 countries facing the world’s most challenging situations. Women and girls are at the centre of our work, because we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities. We listen to and support women, so they have the power to make change where it’s needed most. And we work at a local level to support global change.