UK Government restores UNRWA funding

19 July 2024


In response to the UK Government reinstating funding to UNRWA, Helen McEachern, CEO of CARE International UK said:

"We applaud the UK Government’s decision to reinstate funds to UNRWA. It’s a relief to know that this vital lifeline will be resourced so that aid can reach people who are in desperate need.

"We urge the Government to now look where else its funds can make the biggest difference. The gross neglect to cater to women’s needs in this conflict could not be more apparent than the fact that pregnant women are now three times more likely to miscarry, and three times more likely to die in childbirth. The needs of women and girls cannot be further ignored, they must be prioritised and UK funds ringfenced for women’s rights organisations who are best placed to ensure they are met.

"The past week has been one of the deadliest for civilians in Gaza and it is abundantly clear that nowhere is safe in Gaza. The UK Government must now get serious about bringing an end to the violence and immediately stop sale of UK weapons to Israel that could be used in breach of international law."

Media enquiries

For media enquiries, please contact Hannah Copeland at CARE International UK,

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