Frequently asked questions: Leaving a gift in your Will

Frequently asked questions for people considering leaving a legacy to CARE International UK.

Family in Madagascar

How do I leave a gift to CARE International UK in my Will?

Thank you for thinking of CARE International UK. Gifts in Wills make a very important contribution to our work supporting the poorest and most vulnerable communities around the world. If you cannot find the information you need in these FAQs, please email

I'm acting as an executor. What should I do?

If you are acting as executor for the estate of someone who has left a bequest to CARE International UK in their Will, please contact our Supporter Care team at or telephone 020 7091 6100. You may also find our guidance for executors useful.

Can CARE International UK be my executor?

CARE International UK doesn't usually act as an executor. Please contact our Supporter Care team at or phone 020 7091 6100 for more information.

How will CARE International UK use my gift?

CARE International has been working to help people in need for more than 75 years – and sadly, the need for our work is as pressing now as it has ever been. However, over time the nature of CARE’s work may change, so it can be difficult to know exactly where and how we’ll be working when we receive your legacy gift. If you’d like to discuss any specific wishes you have, please contact our Supporter Care team at or telephone 020 7091 6100.

Will my gift make a difference?

Yes. Your gift will help rebuild the lives of the very poorest people for generations to come. It will allow CARE to be there, to provide food and other help to people in vulnerable situations, whenever and wherever disaster strikes. It will allow CARE to help people find their way out of poverty. We have worked alongside the most marginalised people and communities since handing out our first CARE packages in the aftermath of World War II, when 400,000 CARE packages were sent to families living in poverty here in the UK. It’s you who will keep that going.

Your gift could make a difference for women like Zem Zem from Ethiopia, whose life was transformed when she joined a local savings and loans group, supported by CARE:

Now I see what I am capable of, which motivates me. It means I can do more. I want to keep going and keep moving forward."


Read more
Zemzem Nori  CREDIT CARE Ethiopia  Dina Sisay

I don’t have a lot to leave, is it worth leaving a legacy to CARE International UK?

Yes, we are hugely grateful for any gift we receive. Even a small amount, can make a big difference to lives around the world.

If I have left a gift to CARE International UK in my Will, should I tell you?

If you would like to tell us about your future gift, we would love to hear from you, but there is no obligation to. If you do decide to let us know, it gives us the opportunity to acknowledge the important decision you have made. Letting us know also helps us to plan for the future and keep you informed about our ongoing work.

What happens if I change my mind?

You are free to change your mind at any time. Telling us you plan to leave a gift in your Will to CARE International UK doesn’t commit you to doing so. However, if you do change your mind, it would be really helpful if you could let us know.

Can a gift to charity help me pay less tax?

Technically, yes. Gifts to UK registered charities are exempt from Inheritance Tax. CARE International UK would strongly recommend that you speak to a solicitor for advice on tax issues.

What wording should I use to leave a legacy to CARE International UK?

If you do decide to leave a gift to CARE International UK in your Will, there are three main options:

  • A share in your estate
  • A specific sum
  • A specific item

Once you have decided what kind of gift you want to leave to CARE International UK, it would be really helpful if you could please ask your solicitor to use one of the following texts:

For a share of your estate (residuary legacy): 

I give all/a share of (please state fraction/percentage) of the residue of my estate absolutely to CARE International UK of c/o Ashurst LLP, CARE International UK, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW, Registered Charity Number 292506, to be applied by CARE International UK for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of CARE International UK for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

For a specific sum (pecuniary legacy): 

I give to CARE International UK of c/o Ashurst LLP, CARE International UK, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW, Registered Charity Number 292506, absolutely, the sum of (amount in figures, amount in words) to be applied by CARE International UK for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of CARE International UK for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

For a specific item: 

I give to CARE International UK of c/o Ashurst LLP, CARE International UK, London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW, Registered Charity Number 292506, absolutely, (write in here whatever you wish to give) to be applied by CARE International UK for its charitable purposes, and I further direct that the receipt of the Hon. Treasurer or any other proper officer of CARE International UK for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

What is CARE International UK’s postal address and charity number?

Our address is:

CARE International UK
c/o Ashurst LLP
London Fruit & Wool Exchange
1 Duval Square
London E1 6PW

Our charity number in England and Wales is 292506.

Read our guidance for executors